APRU Virtual Student Exchange (VSE Season 3, 2022-23)
Updated: 2023/5/9
慶應義塾大学が加盟しているAPRU(The Association of Pacific Rim Universities:環太平洋大学協会)が運営するオンライン型学生交換プログラム「Virtual Student Exchange (VSE) program」において、Season 3 (2022-2023) が開講されます。APRU加盟大学の学生はプログラム参加大学の提供する授業を原則1科目(2科目の履修も可)オンラインで履修が可能です。授業履修に際しては、通常の授業と同等の学修量が求められます。
The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), of which Keio University is a member, runs an online exchange program called the "Virtual Student Exchange (VSE) Program," and the applications are/will be open for the Season 3. Students of APRU member universities will be able to take, in principle, one (or two) online course(s) offered by host universities participating in this program. The expected workload is the same as regular courses'.
This program is held during the academic term at Keio University. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that there will be no interference with his/her classes and research at Keio University when participating in this program. No support, such as special measures, will be offered by the International Center regarding any absences from Keio classes during the VSE period. (There will be no officially authorized absences.)
The APRU is an alliance of universities comprised of 55 higher education institutions from 18 economies within the Pacific Rim. It was established in 1997 with the aim of promoting the construction of cooperative systems in education, research, and corporate management in the Pacific Rim, as well as contributing to economic, scientific, and cultural development across the region. Only those highly regarded universities meeting the APRU Criteria are permitted to join the association. Keio University has been a member of APRU since 2002.
プログラム概要/ Program overview
Are you looking for an international exchange opportunity but unable to find it because of current health and safety concerns, restrictions on international travel, budget constraints, or other commitments?
The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Virtual Student Exchange (VSE) Program will soon commence its Season 3 for intensive, short-term courses offered between May and August, providing opportunities for you to participate in an exchange without the need to travel.
You can:
Visit the Program Website to check out academic courses and co-curricular programs (cultural activities, leadership training, and career preparation) on offer and learn more about the application process. Applications for Season 3 courses are now open.
Home (https://vse.apru.org)
Application (Season 3, 2022-23 - Application - APRU Virtual Student Exchange)
Courses (Season 3, 2022-23 - Academics - APRU Virtual Student Exchange)
About APRU (https://vse.apru.org/about-apru/)
実施期間 /VSE Season 3, 2022-23:2023年 5月~8月 (インテンシブ・短期講座)/ May-August, 2023 (intensive, short-term courses)
使用言語 /Language of Instruction:英語、他/English、etc.
費用 /Cost:無料(ただしプログラム受入大学の科目毎に設定されている場合あり) /Free of charge (However, course fees may apply depending on the course or the host university.)
VSEプログラム ウェブサイト/ VSE Program website
※塾生は上記のAPRU VSEプログラムの他に APRU Co-Curricular Programs にも個人応募での参加が可能です。 / *Keio students are also eligible to apply for the APRU Co-Curricular Programs, in addition to the above mentioned APRU VSE Program. Students are to apply directly to these Co-Curricular Programs.
募集人数/ Number of places
若干名(学内選考はありませんが、本学へのオンライン登録も必要になります。最終受入可否は受入大学によって決定されます。)/Limited places available (Although there is no internal selection, a Keio online registration is also required. The final decision regarding acceptance will be made by the host universities.)
参加資格/ Eligibility
1.正規生として本学に在籍する学部生(*ただし、通信教育部生をのぞく)/ Full-time, undergraduate degree students enrolled at Keio University (*excluding correspondence course students)
2.本学の授業履修や研究等と重複をしないこと / Participation in the VSE program must not conflict with classes and research at Keio University.
募集日程/ Application Period
募集日程は各受入大学によって異なります。詳細はVSEプログラムのウェブサイトをご確認ください。/ The application period differs depeding on the host university. For details, please check the VSE program website.
応募方法/ How to apply
(1)APRUVSEプログラム ウェブサイト上でのオンライン出願
VSEプログラム ウェブサイト(こちら) にて詳細を確認の上、【各受入大学の出願締切日までに】オンライン出願を完了してください。
(2)本学のオンライン登録 ※まず、keio.jpアカウントでGoogleにログインの上、ご登録ください。
こちらから本学のオンライン登録を【各受入大学の出願締切の5日前までに】行ってください。オンライン登録および応募書類を確認後、本学 APRU VSE 担当が出願の承認をします。なお、応募後に登録内容に変更が生じた際は、変更の連絡を次のメールアドレスまでお知らせください。【E-Mail】ic-apru@adst.keio.ac.jp
※ 本学へのオンライン登録にあたり、以下の書類アップロードが必要になります。
・最新の学業成績表または成績証明書(和文でも英文でも可。ただし、APRU VSE ウェブサイト上で出願時に必要な成績証明書は英文でご準備ください。)
Please be sure to complete both registrations, 1 AND 2, below.
- Online application on the APRU VSE program website
Check the program/course details on the VSE program website (here) and complete the online application [by the deadline designated by each host university]. - Keio online registration *Please log into Google using your keio.jp account and complete the registration.
Complete the Keio online registration from here [by at least 5 days prior to the application deadline of each host university]. After reviewing the online registration and the application documents, APRU VSE coordinators at Keio University will endorse your application. To make any changes to your registration details after applying, please notify us at the following e-mail address: [E-mail] ic-apru@adst.keio.ac.jp
※ You will need to upload the following document to complete the Keio online registration.
注意点/ NOTE
・VSEプログラム ウェブサイト上でのオンライン出願時および本学へのオンライン登録時には、英語の語学能力証明は不要ですが、受入大学より別途提出を求められる場合があります。その場合は、指示に従いご提出ください。/ Although it is not required to submit a certificate of English language proficiency to complete the online application on the VSE program website and the Keio online registration, you may be asked to do so by the host universities. In such cases, please follow their instructions.
・本プログラムで得た単位は、慶應での単位互換は不可となります。/ Any credits earned through this program shall NOT be transferred to Keio University.
問い合わせ先/ Inquiries
学生部国際交流支援グループ(三田キャンパス)APRU VSE 担当
APRU VSE coordinators, International Exchange Services Group, Office of Student Services (Mita Campus)
Tel: 03-5427-1613 E-mail: ic-apru@adst.keio.ac.jp