学内選考 / Internal Selection







① 留学計画 目的や内容、留学希望大学に関する知識等
② 専門分野に関する知識 専門性や学業成績
③ 自己表現の明確さ
④ 自立心・精神的成熟度・社会性・積極性・協調性
⑤ 留学先大学使用言語の聴解力・口頭表現力・読解力・作文力
⑥ 異文化に対する適応力や柔軟性


① 留学計画 目的や内容、留学希望大学に関する知識等
② 専門分野に関する知識 専門性や学業成績
③ 自己表現の明確さ
④ 自立心・精神的成熟度・社会性・積極性・協調性
⑤ 留学先大学使用言語の聴解力・口頭表現力・読解力・作文力
⑥ 異文化に対する適応力や柔軟性

⑦ 留学先での研究計画の内容



●Screening of documents
※From 2023, screening via interviews has been terminated

The selection process for exchange programs is conducted in a way that ensures fairness and that it is always optimal for applicants to register the partner institutions they really want to study abroad in the order of their preferences. Please enter your order of preference according to your real preferences. You will not be disadvantaged by the popularity of the partner institutions.

Important points that will be considered upon screening

Upon screening, the below points will be considered overall. The screening does not only focus on GPA and language skills.


① Plans for exchange: purpose and contents, research and knowledge of the host university
② Knowledge of your major: profession/expertise and GPA
③ Clarity of your self-expression
④ Independence, maturity, sociality, positiveness, cooperativeness
⑤ Listening, oral expression, reading and writing skills in the language of the host university
⑥ Flexibility and capability of adapting to different cultures


① Plans for exchange: purpose and contents, research and knowledge of the host university
② Knowledge of your major: profession/expertise and GPA
③ Clarity of your self-expression
④ Independence, maturity, sociality, positiveness, cooperativeness
⑤ Listening, oral expression, reading and writing skills in the language of the host university
⑥ Flexibility and capability of adapting to different cultures
⑦ Contents of your research plan at the host university