タフツ大学春季講座 体験談4
体験談4 2018年度参加 総合政策学部1年 H・Lさん
タフツ大学で過ごした二週間は毎日課題(授業へのリフレクション・ペーパー)とリーディング(授業の事前予習)に追われ、とても多忙かつ充実な二週間でした。タフツ大学で過ごした13日間のうち、10日間が授業で、3日間がボストンのツアーでした。授業内容は基礎の国際関係の論理(Theory)から、中国出身の教授による中国政治や中台関係、元CIAの長官によるアメリカのインテリジェンス・コミュニティー(Intellgence Community)の紹介、アメリカ海軍学院の教官によるアメリカの太平洋戦略など、豊かなバックグラウンドを持つ先生たちが国際関係の全般を教えてくださりました。国際関係を専門としない私達でも授業の内容を理解できるように、大学が毎日の授業後タフツ大学に在籍している学生たち(TA)によるワークショップを企画してくれました。そのおかげで、授業内容を議論で確実に消化できたのみならず、TAさんとも仲良くなれました。(⇒左の写真:授業の様子)
1. バスは必ずしも時間通りに来るわけではないので、UberやLyftなどのアプリを事前に使えるように設定しておくと便利です。
2. バスに乗らない場合、チャリーカード(交通系ICカード)に10ドルぐらいチャージしておけば十分だと思います。(あとからの返金はできないらしいため)
3. クレジットカードさえ持っていけば、現金はあまり要りません。
4. 2週間もホテルでほぼ変わらない朝食を摂るため、あらかじめ日本でスナックやインスタントラーメンなどを用意しておくのをおすすめします。
The Keio-Tufts two weeks program was intensive, and I believe it would help the participants to understand American college life deeply. There will be ten days for lectures and three days for the Boston tour during the stay. Students will receive a two-hour long lecture at noon and another two-hour long lecture in the afternoon. After the lectures, a workshop with Tufts students will be held to help us have a better understanding of the lectures. The instructors of the program are from various background. For example, students will be able to receive lectures related to the Intelligence Community of the U.S from a former CIA officer, lectures about the U.S Maritime Strategy from a professor who teaches at Navy College of the U.S, etc.,
None of the participants is major in International Relations, so it’s important to gain background knowledge from the reading materials offered by instructors before the classes. Because the reading that we had for each day is so much that we decided to divide ourselves into six groups and each group will read certain paragraphs of the articles. We shared each other what we read at the next morning before the class, and by doing so, not only we were able to increase the efficiency, but also we could have a deeper understanding to each article.
The participants are also required to write four reflection papers to four classes during the program. Two of them have to be the classes in the first week, and the other two of them have to be the classes during the second week. Each paper has to be approximately 500 words, so I suggest you should take notes during the lecture. Once you found a fascinating lecture that you decided to write reflection paper with, finish it by the end of that day. Otherwise, once you receive another informative lecture at the next day, you will get overwhelmed.
You should be aware that you are going to have a pretty tough time at the Tufts. But trust me, your English performance and your understanding of International Affairs will improve a lot. I hope you will enjoy your stay at Tufts.