日本と中国の文化交流講座 Online Lecture Series (including a networking session): Understanding Japanese and Chinese Cultures
Updated: 2020/9/15
慶應義塾大学 国際センターでは、中国の復旦大学学生を対象に「日本と中国の文化交流講座」として、オンライン講義および交流会を開催することとなりました。 日中文化に関するオンラインでの講義および、交流会のいずれにおきましても、塾生も参加が可能となります。交流会では、復旦大学の学生とオンラインにて自由に交流ができる非常に貴重な機会となりますので、下記詳細をご確認の上、興味のある方はぜひ奮ってご応募ください。
Keio University International Center offers an online lecture series on "Understanding Japanese and Chinese Cultures" for students enrolled at Fudan University in China, and Keio students are also welcome to participate in any of the lectures.
This lecture series includes a networking session, providing a great opportunity for Keio students to interact with Fudan students. We look forward to receiving your registration.
●日程/Program Dates:2020年9月21日(月)~ 9月25日(金) ※全日程に参加頂く必要はありません/
September 21 (Mon), 2020 - September 25 (Fri) /You do not need to participate in all lectures.
It is widely considered as one of the most prestigious and selective universities in China along with Peking University. Fudan comprises many schools/faculties for both liberal arts and sciences and has been one of our partner universities for quite a long time. Until today, Fudan has accepted over 10,000 international students from 100 countries and regions worldwide.
日付/Date |
開催時間 (日本時間)/Time (Japan standard time) |
使用言語/Language used | 講義テーマ/ Lecture topic | 講義内容/Lecture content | 担当講師/Lecturer |
9月21日(月)/Monday, September 21 | 16:15~17:15 | 英語/English |
①「慶應義塾と日本の近代化:福澤諭吉をめぐって」/Keio University and Japan's Modernization:with Special Attention to Yukichi Fukuzawa |
Yukichi Fukuzawa is generally known to be the founder of Keio University. At the same time he was engaged with many different things: foundation of Maruya Shokai, a forerunner of Maruzen book store, introduction of bookkeeping and insurance system to Japan, let alone the fact that he was a prolific writer in the Meiji Era. In this lecture, after a brief introduction of who he was, I describe his encounter with the western civilization and Japan’s modernization after the Meji Restoration. Although he is called the champion of the Japanese Enlightenment, he was not free from the traditional thinking in the Samurai society. By taking a closer look at his case, it will be possible to understand the Japanese civilization in a more appropriate way, which is based on the three layers; original (?) Japanese discourses, new discourses after the introduction of Chinese culture, and modern westernized discourses after the Meiji period. |
経済学部長/ 池田幸弘/ Dean, Faculty of Economics, Yukihiro IKEDA |
9月21日(月)/Monday, September 21 | 17:15~18:15 | 英語/English |
②「日本の少女マンガにおける海外表象」/"There Was a Little More to Life Somewhere Else"- Occidentalism in Japanese Shojo-Manga |
After WWII, quite a few magazines targeting young girls were newly launched. In those magazines we can find many comics whose settings are in the western countries such as England, Switzerland, or US. Before overseas travel was deregulated in 1964, probably these magazines and comics (along with TV show and books) was one of the vehicles to show girls what western life was like. Those representations also give us a chance to see the cultural hybridity, or cultural mixture. My lecture will be on Japanese girls comics in 1960s through 90s, which foregrounds the cultural hybridity and its significance. |
文学部教授 大串尚代/ Professor, Faculty of Letters Hisayo OGUSHI |
9月22日(火)/Tuesday, September 22 | 16:15~17:15 | 中国語/Chinese |
没有文字的古代日本从中国引进了汉字并吸取了大量的汉语词汇。汉字的汉语发音传到日本,通过日本化变为日语的汉字发音,这就是日语中汉字的“音读”,这种发音对日语的语音体系也带来了影响。明治维新以后,翻译西洋文化的许多日语词汇输出到中国,丰富了现代汉语的词汇,例如“干部”、“场合”、“手续”等。改革开放以后中国又吸收了许多日语词汇,两国的语言交流非常频繁。本讲座将就日中两国间语言方面交流的问题与中国学生一起讨论。 |
名誉教授 山下輝彦/Professor Emeritus, Teruhiko YAMASHITA |
9月22日(火)/Tuesday, September 22 | 17:15~18:15 | 中国語/Chinese | ④「日本語の二人称と現代日本のサブカルチャー/日语的第二人称与日本当代亚文化 |
在诸多语言中都有人称代词的存在,古代日语当中也有人称代词,然而在当代日语当中已经看不到了。在这一节课上,先要从日本人的思想结构方面说明一下这些人称代词消失的原因,然后再谈谈上个世纪80年代以后,出现在日语当中的“御宅(おたく)”,这个表示与对方有一定距离的用法,在当代日本亚文化当中的所具有的特殊含义。 |
理工学部教授 |
9月23日(水)/Wednesday, September 23 | 16:15~17:15 | 中国語/Chinese |
内山完造是住在上海近三十年,熟悉中国老百姓心情的一位日本人,可说是在战前相当稀奇。陈建民则是从四川移居到日本的一位中国人,开发适合日本人口味的中国菜,努力推广以麻婆豆腐为代表的川菜,也是相当难得。在本堂课, 我将通过介绍这两个人的成就、生活态度和对于不同文化的理解,希望学生们考察中日文化交流的本质。 |
名誉教授 山本英史/Professor Emeritus, Eishi YAMAMOTO |
9月23日(水)/Wednesday, September 23 | 17:15~18:15 | 中国語/Chinese | ⑥「料理から見た日中文化交流」/从料理看中日文化交流 |
在本堂课,我将通过大家最熟悉的饮食文化,介绍日本人和中国人不一样的生活方式、民族性和视点,希望学生们重新认识对于不同文化综合理解的重要性。本堂课的内容如下: 1饺子如何传入日本? 2日本面条 3谁偏好自己的饮食文化? 4日本的穷人料理 5中国人和日本人,谁吃怪东西? |
名誉教授 山本英史/Professor Emeritus, Eishi YAMAMOTO |
9月24日(木)/Thursday, September 24 | 16:15~17:15 | 中国語/Chinese | ⑦「日中文化の相違などについて」/谈谈日中文化差异 |
日本是亚洲汉字文化圈的国家之一,至今还在使用汉字。自古以来,在思想、文化、生活习惯上深受中国的影响。但是,详细看来,岛国日本与大陆中国在文化上存在着许多的差异。两国文化既有类似,又有差异。这一点,已经有很多人讲述过。但随着全球化的进展,两国的文化又有很多地方互相影响,趋于相同。这次讲座计划多多举出实例,与中国学生在这一方面进行探讨。 |
名誉教授 山下輝彦/Professor Emeritus, Teruhiko YAMASHITA |
9月24日(木)/Thursday, September 24 | 17:15~18:15 | 中国語/Chinese | ⑧「日本における中国古典籍の図書館事情」/日本图书馆所藏中国古籍之情况 |
日本图书馆有好几个种类。有跟中国图书馆的同样类似情况。在日本我们搞中国古籍的话,应该利用专门性的图书馆。就是国家图书馆,公共图书馆,大学图书馆和专门所藏中国古籍的私立图书馆。当然其中有所藏唐钞本和宋刻本的善本图书馆。这里我介绍这种主要的日本图书馆所藏中国古籍的概况。而且让您们知道日本接受的中国古籍文化的侧面。 |
文学部教授 高橋智/ Professor, Faculty of Letters, Satoshi TAKAHASHI |
9月25日(金)/Friday, September 25 | 16:15~17:15 | 英語/English | ⑨Sports and Popular Music in the History of Keio University |
Universities often serve not only as centers of learning but also as centers of new culture. Keio University, Japan's first private university, has been a place where the youth culture of modern Japan was born and has been a source of inspiration. It is also deeply rooted in the philosophy of its founder, Yukichi Fukuzawa. This lecture will examine the culture created by the young people who gathered at Keio University, with a particular focus on sports and popular music. |
文学部教授 粂川麻里生/ Professor, Faculty of Letters, Mario KUMEKAWA |
9月25日(金)/Friday, September 25 | 17:15~18:15 |
中国語、英語、日本語のいずれか希望する言語/You may choose Chinese,English, or Japanese ※日本語も選択いただける形となりました。/Japanese has been added as a choice of language prefered. |
⑩慶應と復旦・学生自由交流/Networking Session
「学校生活とアルバイト」「卒業後の進路」「学生時代と恋愛・友情」(一例)などに関して、小グループに分かれ、自由交流/ Participants will be devided into small groups and will discuss "Student life and part-time jobs," "Careers after graduation," and "College days and love/friendships," etc. |
※上記3名の教員はモデレーターとして参加予定/The 3 faculty members above will join the session as moderators. |
・We recommend that you participate at least in one of the lectures (①-⑨) to join the networking session.
応募資格/ Participation criteria
Full-time, regular undergraduate or graduate students enrolled at Keio University
You need to be able to understand and discuss the topic(s) in the language used in each lecture. (Submitting the proof of language proficiency is not necessary.)
申し込み方法/ How to sign up
Please register through the online registration form below by 【15:00 on Tuesday, September 15Thursday, September 10】
The registration has been closed.
Registrations are on a first-come, first-served basis. We look forward to receiving your registration.
参加許可通知/Notification of Acceptance
問い合わせ先/ Inquiries
学生部国際交流支援グループ(三田キャンパス) 日本と中国の文化交流講座参加者募集 担当
TEL : 03-5427-1613 / E-MAIL : ic-online@adst.keio.ac.jp
Office of Student Services, International Exchange Services Group (Mita Campus)
Tel. 03-5427-1613 E-mail: ic-online@adst.keio.ac.jp