3 Campus East Asia / 慶應・延世・香港 東アジアリーダーシッププログラム

Number of students

To be confirmed

Eligibility Second- or third-year undergraduate students
Period of study September - August(see academic calendar for details)
Location Yonsei University: 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749, Korea
The University of Hong Kong: Faculty of Social Sciences, 11/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
University profile 3 Campus East Asia allows a cohort of students to develop collectively their East Asian expertise across a full academic year calendar. Their schedule begins in the fall in Tokyo, Japan at Keio University, where their studies are built around Japanese Studies offered at the International Center. The spring semester is spent in Seoul, Korea at Yonsei University, where, among other elective subjects, they take a course on Korean modernization. Students finish their year in Hong Kong, where they all take a signature course on the Political Economy of Global Asia. Starting in 2013, the program invites participants from world-leading universities in the U.S. and the Europe such as Princeton University, Georgetown University, University of Southern California, Cornell University, Kings College London, and University of Geneva. This East Asia-focused academic program of learning, residing and working together equips students with the intellectual and intercultural breadth and depth to become future global leaders. This network of students both from within the East Asia region (Korea, Japan, China) and from outside (the U.S. and Europe) will act as a valuable bridge within East Asia region as well as between East Asia and the West.
Undergraduate programs open to exchange students 1)Keio University: Participants take a couple of compulsory subjects form the International Center Courses in fall semester
2)Yonsei University: Courses offered at Underwood International College https://uic.yonsei.ac.kr/main/main.asp

3)The University of Hong Kong: Participants take a couple of summer courses.
Undergraduate programs NOT open to exchange students ------
Graduate programs open to exchange students N/A
Graduate programs NOT open to exchange students N/A
Minimum GPA (UG) 3.0
Minimum GPA (G) ------
Minimum language proficiency (UG) TOEFL iBT 85 or IELTS 6.5
Minimum language proficiency (G) ------
Academic calendar 1)Keio University: September to Early February (Fall Semester)
2)Yonsei University: Late February to June (Spring Semester)
3)The University of Hong Kong: June to Late August (Summer School)
The participants take the couple of compulsory subjects form the International Center Courses in fall semester, and depart for Korea after completing the fall semester.
Important university website for exchange students https://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/keio_student/3campus/index.html
Scholarship information

JASSO Scholarship (70,000yen × 6 months) might be available.

Dormitory information ------
Other information

・For the AY 2024-25, apart from Keio students, only studets from HKU and University of Geneva will be participating in the full-year program. (There will be no students from Yonsei University and other partner universities for the full academic year 2024-25.)
・Internship opportunity at HKU is NOT offerd from 2021. Participating students will take the HKU summer courses for about 6 weeks.
・Students are required to gain a pass in the academic courses, and compulsory fieldtrips prescribed by the respective universities in the 3 Campus curriculum otherwise students will forfeit credits for the whole programme by Keio University, Yonsei University and The University of Hong Kong.

塾生コメント ▪1年間を3つの場所で過ごす特別感があるため、参加者の信頼感や繋がりが強いように思う。



▪日中韓のみならず、プログラムに参加する欧米の世界トップレベルの学生とも一緒に学べる。※ 2024-25年度は、本学からの参加者に加え、香港大学およびジュネーブ大学の学生のみ参加予定です。