
2021年2月 短期日本学講座(KJSP)実施報告



The Keio Short-Term Japanese Studies Program (KJSP) 2021 was held online via ZOOM from February 24 to March 9, with 21 students taking part — 7 from Keio and 14 students from universities in Canada, Chile, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Panama, and Thailand.

The KJSP is a two-week intensive program for both international and Keio students (undergraduate and graduate level) to learn about Japan through collaboration. By joining discussions and giving presentations on their cultures and societies, students have the chance to discover something new about their own countries from an outside perspective.

Before the program concluded, Keio University Global got in touch with four of the participants to hear about their experiences from the KJSP. Watch the video to hear what they had to say regarding the 2-week program.

Learn more about the KJSP: http://www.ic.keio.ac.jp/en/study/short/kjsp/