Status of Residence

What is Status of Residence?

All foreign nationals entering and staying in Japan are assigned a Status of Residence at their port of entry and may engage in activities permitted under that Status of Residence. Your maximum period of stay in Japan is determined by your Status of Residence. International students in either undergraduate or graduate programs are expected to have the Status of Residence of “Student.” If you do not have the appropriate Status of Residence, this may preclude you from enrolling at Keio. Individual applications to extend a period of stay are either approved or rejected after examination by the Immigration Services Bureau according to each applicant’s situation.

Residence Card

A Residence Card will be issued at the airport of disembarkation (New Chitose, Narita, Haneda, Chubu,  Kansai, Hiroshima or Fukuoka Airport) to mid- to long-term residents who have landing permission for Japan. If you land at any other Port of Entry, a Residence Card will be issued and mailed to you upon completion of the necessary residency procedures at your local city office.

You should carry your Residence Card at all times. You will need to show your Residence Card when asked to do so by an immigration officer or guard, a police officer, or other official concerned. If you are found not to be carrying your Residence Card you may be required to pay a fine of up to 200,000 yen; if you do not agree to show your card, you may be sentenced to up to one year’s imprisonment or required to pay a fine of up to 200,000 yen.

 Submitting Information on Your Status of Residence

Based on Article 19-17 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Rcognition Act, Keio University manage your status of Residence and also regularly give updates to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT: Monbukagakusho) and the Immigration Srvices Agency.
All international students are required to submit a copy of your Residence Card to the International Office of your main campus in the following scenarios:
 ① When you enter Keio University
 ② When the extension of your period of stay is approved and you obtain a new Residence Card,
 ③ When a change in your Status of Residence is approved and you obtain a new Residence Card,
 ④ When you newly obtain "Permission to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the
   Status of Residence Previously Granted"
 (1) Please submit a two-sided copy of your Residence Card and make sure that the 12 digit
    Residence Card No. is crearly visible.
 (2) You must submit the copy:
   ①: by the deadline designated by the university.
   ②-④: within 14 days after the change is approved.
 (3) If you are a short-time visitor and will be staying in Japan for three months or less, you will be
   required to submit a copy of the ID page of your passport, and the page with a seal accepting
   entry into Japan.
 (4) Applications are accepted three months before the expiration of your period of stay. You will be
   considered an illegal immigrant if you overstay your period of stay by even just one day, so if you
   wish to apply for an extension, make sure to do so as early as possible.