United Nations University, Institute for Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) によって2020年に設立され、慶應義塾大学が参加しているSDG大学連携プラットフォーム(SDG-UP)より、SDGsに関するオンラインセミナー(4日間)参加者募集のご案内です。
This is a recruitment announcement for an online seminar (duration of 4 days) handling SDGs, which will be organized by SDG-UP, where Keio University is registered as a member. SDG-UP was established in 2020 by the United Nations University, Institute for Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) .
Please see the application guidelines below and apply for the seminar. Participants will be determined through an internal selection at Keio.
*It is mandatory for you to attend all 4 days of the seminar once you have been selected as a participant. Please make sure to check your schedule carefully.
プログラム概要/ Program overview
プログラム期間/ Program schedule
2022年3月8日(火)、9日(水)、10日(木)、11(金)の4日間/ 4 days duration (March 8 (Tues), 9 (Wed), 10 (Thurs) and 11 (Fri), 2022)
募集人数/ Number of places
本学から若干名(本学へオンライン応募をいただき、学内選考の上、参加者を決定します。)/ A few places (After applying online, participants will be determined through an internal selection at Keio.)
参加資格/ Participation criteria
1、本学に在籍中の学部生、院生であること/ Undergraduate and Graduate students enrolled at Keio University.
2、講義の受講、討議、発表ができるだけの英語能力があること(ただし最低要件の設定はしていません。)/ Sufficient English proficiency to follow the lectures, discussions and give a presentation (however, there will be no minimum requirement set).
3、セミナー期間中(3月8日、3月9日、3月10日、3月11日)、すべてのプログラムに参加できること/ Participants are available to attend all of the programs during the seminar (on March 8, 9, 10 and 11) .
参加費/ Participant fee
学内応募締切/ Application Deadline
2022年2月9日(水)15:00 / 15:00 February 9 (Wed), 2022
応募方法/ How to apply
① 英語能力証明書(有効期限が切れているものも可)
② 最新の学業成績表または成績証明書(keip.jp上のものも可)
Be sure to complete the online application to Keio University here. *Please log in to Google using your keio.jp account and register.
Applications will be reviewed in the internal selection at Keio. Applicants will need to upload the following documents when applying.
① Certificate of English Proficiency (Expired Certificate is also acceptable.)
② Latest Grade Report or Transcript of Academic Record (Grade Report on keio.jp is also acceptable.)
問い合わせ先/ Inquiries
Tel: 03-5427-1613 E-mail: ic-student@adst.keio.ac.jp