
【参加者募集】FY2019 Education Program for Nikkei Next Generation (University Students)



Requested by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Japan Overseas Cooperative Association (JOCA) organizes the "FY2019 Education Program for Nikkei Next Generation (University Students)."

20 students from Latin American universities will be visiting Keio University (Mita Campus) on July 5, 2019 as part of the Program to participate in the lectures/workshops scheduled as below.

Keio students are welcome to join (*1) and/or (*2).
Take this opportunity to share your thoughts and experiences with the visiting students. They are looking forward to seeing you!

スケジュールおよび概要 Outline


 Friday,  July 5, 2019

Place:  Mita Campus

 09:00-09:30 Orientation
 09:30-11:00 Apologies Across Cultures (*1)
 11:15-12:45 Cultural and Personal Values (*2)


 Keio students (including international students) can join the Workshop*1 and/or the Lecture*2.
 [Venue:  Classroom 473, South School Building]

 (*1) Apologies Across Cultures
   With the rapid advance of globalization, productive intercultural communication between various nations, groups, and individuals has become increasingly important. During this workshop, we will look from a variety of perspectives at examples of misunderstandings that can arise from intercultural communication. Participants will deepen their engagement with the examples raised by making presentations and discussing possible causes of intercultural friction. The topic of this workshop will be “Apology” in different cultures. The focus of the workshop will be on encouraging participants to acquire intercultural intellectual flexibility by thinking independently, brainstorming and trying out solutions, and considering a variety of perspectives. (Ikuko OKUGAWA, Project Assistant Professor, International Center)

 (*2) Cultural and Personal Values
   Each of us has a different way of thinking and feeling, which has been formed through years. Some of our values change, some remain the same for a long period. What made you change your values in the past? What are your current values like? Are they all coming from your personal choice? This session provides you an opportunity to analyze your own values from a sociocultural perspective. By examining what cultures have surrounded you, what you have experienced so far, and how these might have affected your values, we will discuss what kind of Japaneseness we have had and get to know more about ourselves. (Rie SUZUKI, Project Assistant Professor, International Center)

Language:  English
Lecturers:  Ikuko OKUGAWA, Project Assistant Professor, International Center
 Rie SUZUKI, Project Assistant Professor, International Center



 See below.

Participation Fee:



応募資格 Eligibility

(1) 正規生として本学に在籍する学生。 *全ての学部からの応募が可能。
(2) 交換留学生として本学に在籍している学生も歓迎します。
(3) 英語によるコミュニケーションに問題のない語学力を有すること。*この講義・ワークショップは英語で実施します。
(注1) 参加費用は発生しません。
(注2) プログラム参加において、授業履修等に支障がないこと。

- Participants must be enrolled as full-time students in an
  undergraduate or graduate program at Keio University.
- Exchange students enrolled at Keio University are also welcome.
- Participants must be fluent in English.
  (The lectures/workshops will be conducted in English.)

- There is no charge.
- Joining the lectures/workshops should not affect participants' class attendance.
  (Participants may NOT be justifiably absent from their own classes for this event.)


応募方法 Registration


Please complete the online registration form.

>> Click here ※ 締め切りました ※


申込締切 Deadline

2019年7月1日(月) 午前09:00
09:00 a.m. on Monday, July 1, 2019

お問い合わせ Inquiries

慶應義塾大学 学生部国際交流支援グループ
International Exchange Services Group, Office of Student Services
Tel: 03-5427-1613
E-mail: ic-short-program@adst.keio.ac.jp