
【出席希望者募集 Register Now】米国アレゲニー大学 Allegheny College / Lectures on Cross-Cultural Understanding

2018年5月15日~5月21日、米国アレゲニー大学’(協定校)の短期プログラムを慶應義塾大学 日吉キャンパスにて実施します。アレゲニー大学の学部生9名が来塾します。


9 undergraduate students from Allegheny College (a partner university in USA) will be visiting Hiyoshi Campus from May 15 to May 21 as part of their short-term program to be held in Japan.

Keio students and international students enrolled at Keio are welcome to join them for lectures on Cross-Cultural Understanding on May 16.

Take this opportunity to share your thoughts and experiences with the visiting students. They are looking forward to meeting you!


 Wednesday, May 16, 2018 

Place:  Hiyoshi Campus

 10:45-12:15 Cross-Cultural Understanding 1
 13:00-14:30 Cross-Cultural Understanding 2


The purpose of this 3-hour mini-course will be to give students both culture-general and culture-specific frameworks for interpreting Japanese culture during their stay in Japan and beyond.  Students will be introduced to the following topics:
1. Cultural iceberg and the difference between “objective” and “subjective” forms of culture
2. The Description-Interpretation-Evaluation Model of intercultural communication decoding
3. High and Low Context communication styles
4. Geert Hofstede’s value dimensions (Individualism-Collectivism, Power Distance, and Uncertainty Avoidance)
5. Conflict resolution and creating Win-Win Solutions

Language:  English
Lecturer:  Prof. Adam KOMISAROF (Faculty of Letters, Keio University)

 Click here.
 *Please complete the online registration form.
 *Deadline: 09:00 a.m. on Monday, May 14, 2018

Participation Fee:



応募資格 Eligibility

(1) 正規生として本学に在籍する学生。 *全ての学部からの応募が可能。
(2) 交換留学生として本学に在籍している学生も歓迎します。
(3) 英語によるコミュニケーションに問題のない語学力を有すること。*この講義・ワークショップは英語で実施します。
(注1) 参加費用は発生しません。
(注2) プログラム参加において、授業履修等に支障がないこと。

- Participants must be enrolled as full-time students in an
  undergraduate or graduate program at Keio University.
- Exchange students enrolled at Keio University are also welcome.
- Participants must be fluent in English.
  (The lectures/workshops will be conducted in English.)

- There is no charge.
- Joining the lectures/workshops should not affect participants' class attendance.
  (Participants may NOT be justifiably absent from their own classes for this event.)

申込締切 Deadline

2018年5月14日(月) 午前09:00
09:00 a.m. on Monday, May 14, 2018

お問い合わせ Inquiries

慶應義塾大学 学生部国際交流支援グループ
International Exchange Services Group, Office of Student Services
Tel: 03-5427-1613
E-mail: ic-short-program@adst.keio.ac.jp