Lecture by Ms. lnara Murniece, Speaker of Saeima (Parliament) of the Republic of Latvia "Latvia's perspective on current EU affairs and regional security challenges" (June 27, 2019)
ラトビア共和国国会議長イナーラ・ムールニエツェ氏による来日講演会について/Lecture by Ms. lnara Murniece, Speaker of Saeima (Parliament) of the Republic of Latvia "Latvia's perspective on current EU affairs and regional security challenges"
北欧バルト三国の一つであるラトビア共和国は、1991 年のソ連からの独立以降、経済発展を続けてきました。現在、欧州連合・NATO・OECD等の国際機関の加盟国として費任ある活動をしておリ、経済発展に関しては非常に高いGDP成長率を継続しており、今年も4%の成長が予想されます。 また最近、ラトビアは北欧エリアのR&D及びイノベー ションスタートアップのハブとしても注目を集めます。
Republic of Latvia, one of the Baltic States, has been experiencing economic development since its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. As a member of international organizations such as the EU, NATO, and OECD, Republic of Latvia has been an actively participating in the international society. Regarding their economic development, they have sustained high growth rates in GDP, which is expected to be 4% this year. Additionally, it has attracted attention recently as the hub of R&D and innovative startups.As a leading figure in current Latvian politics, Ms. Murniece will talk about the challenges which the EU is currently facing, regional security issues, and also women's empowerment in this lecture. The lecture is open for all students and prior registration is not required.
開催概要/Event Details
日時 Date & Time |
2019年6月27日(木)第2時限(10:45 - 12:15) Thursday 27th June, 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. |
Place |
慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 東館8階
*下記三田キャンパスマップをご参照ください。 8th Floor, East Research Building, Mita Campus, Keio University
*Please refer to the following map for directions |
演題 Title |
「ラトビアの視点から見た、EUが抱える課題および地域安全保障におけるチャレンジ」 ''Latvia's perspective on current EU affairs and regional security challenges'' |
講演会のポスター Poster of Lecture |
使用言語 Language |
英語 English |
問合せ先 Contact |
法学部 大串 敦 研究室 Ogushi Seminar, Faculty of Law |