Hosts: British Olympic Association and Keio University
Date and Time: Friday, October 19, 2018, 10am-11:45am (doors open at 9:30am)
Venue: Fujiwara Hiroshi Hall, Collaboration Complex 2nd Floor in Hiyoshi Campus
Open to: Keio University Students
Theme: Sustaining performance success
Speaker: Paul Ford (Deputy Chef de Mission - Performance), Brendan Purcell (Director of Performance, TeamGB Rowing Team)
Seating capacity: 200 *Registration will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis.
Fee: Free
Registration Deadline: 3:00pm on Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Registration: Please complete the online registration form below.
* The lecture will be conducted in English, with interpretation into Japanese provided.
* To confirm you have completed registration, please bring a copy of the confirmation e-mail which will be sent to you after registering or show this email on your cellphone, etc.
* While this seminar has as its intended audience persons affiliated with Keio University, related persons from Yokohama and Kawasaki City authorities will also attend.
主催: 英国オリンピック委員会(BOA)・慶應義塾大学
日時: 2018年10月19日(金)10:00-11:45(9:30開場)
場所: 日吉キャンパス協生館2階 藤原洋記念ホール
対象: 塾生
内容: 最高のパフォーマスンスを保つには
演者: ポール・フォード氏(BOA Team GB東京大会副責任者),ブレンダン・パーセル氏(英国端艇チーム・パフォーマンスディレクター)
定員: 200名 ※申込先着順。定員になり次第締め切らせていただきます。
参加費: 無料
申込締切: 2018年10月17日(水)15:00
申込方法: 申込フォームより事前申込
学内問い合わせ先: オリンピック・パラリンピック担当