Doctoral Students Conference
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Q. Why is the Keio Organizing Committee planning to have the “panel sessions” at next year’s DSC?
A. The panel sessions are a new initiative to encourage doctoral students to form panel sessions focused on a specific area or issue so as to generate more focused discussions. Participants in this conference are strongly encouraged to organize their own panel sessions with the idea of getting three or four papers in a session focused on one area or one question/issue. The Keio Organizing Committee hopes the planning of these panel sessions will encourage doctoral students to talk to one another before they submit their papers.
Q. Do I need to find the presenters by myself if I'd like to propose a panel?
A. The idea of the panel is to have a focused discussion on a particular issue or set of issues by having related papers in one session. The Program Committee would encourage you to try and find other presenters for your panel, but there is no guarantee that any of the abstracts you or they propose will be accepted for presentation at the conference as they will all have to go through the standard selection procedure. The Program Committee will allocate accepted abstracts to panels when the Committee judges this to be appropriate.
Q. If I propose a panel, can I also submit a paper?
A. If you are going to propose a panel, the Program Committee strongly encourages you to submit an abstract that would be suitable for that panel. Registration at the conference requires that you submit an abstract. Proposing a panel is not a requirement for registering for the conference.


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