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Call for Papers         
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Call for Papers and Panel Proposals

The 8th Annual Association of Pacific Rim Universities Doctoral Students Conference (APRU DSC) will take place from 30 July to 3 August 2007 at the Mita campus of Keio University, Japan. Doctoral students from all disciplines, including the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences are invited to attend and present a paper related to their doctoral research. The main title of the conference is "The Emerging Future of the Pacific Rim: Alliances, Collaboration, and Networking." We need to collaborate and network with one another so as to meet the challenges of the diverse problems in the Pacific Rim in this global age. Our purposes are: 1) to deepen and widen our research interests through discussions with other participants from diverse academic backgrounds; 2) to develop our intellectual curiosity by sharing our experiences as students with our international colleagues; and 3) to build lifelong friendships among PhD students with bright futures.

The conference will be composed of plenary sessions, workshops, contributed paper sessions, and panel sessions. Papers presented in the contributed paper and panel sessions are expected to be drawn from all academic disciplines including, but not limited to, the following disciplines:

Anthropology, Archaeology, Arts, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, Education, Engineering, Health Care, History, Information Technology, International Relations, Law, Life Sciences, Linguistics, Literature, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Psychology, Physics, Political Science, and Sociology.

Paper presenters at the DSC will either present their paper in a contributed paper session organized by the Keio Organizing Committee, or in a panel session organized by a doctoral student, but not both. The panel sessions are a new initiative to encourage doctoral students to form panel sessions focused on a specific area or issue so as to generate more focused discussions. Participants in this conference are strongly encouraged to organize their own panel sessions with the idea of getting three or four papers in a session focused on one area or one question/issue. The Keio Organizing Committee hopes the planning of these panel sessions will encourage doctoral students to talk to one another before they submit their papers.

The official language of the conference is English. Abstracts, paper presentations and all conference materials will be in English. Approximately 100 doctoral students will be selected to present papers at the Doctoral Students Conference at Keio University.

The key dates for the conference are as follows:
  31 December 2006 Deadline for the on-line submission of panel proposals (at most 500 words)
  12 January 2007 Notification of acceptance of panels
  10 February 2007 Deadline for the on-line submission of abstracts         (at most 250 words)
  10 March 2007 Notification of acceptance of abstracts
  25 June 2007 Deadline for the submission of full papers
  30 July ~
3 August 2007
Doctoral Students Conference at Keio University

Notes for Abstracts
  1. Abstracts and any accompanying paper should be submitted in English using the On-Line Registration system.
  2. Each abstract should contain a 250 word description of the paper, and include details of the title, the author's name, institutional affiliation, nationality, and discipline, at most 5 keywords, and a panel preference (optional). The keywords are designed to provide a guide to the areas/issues covered by the paper, and will be used by the Keio Organizing Committee to allocate papers to appropriate sessions.
  3. The Keio Organizing Committee will upload details of the accepted panels on 12 January 2007 onto the conference web page.
  4. Where there is more than one author, the author presenting the paper at the DSC should be clearly indicated in the abstract.
  5. In principle, the person presenting the paper must be a doctoral student enrolled at a university that is a member of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) at the time they submit their abstracts.
  6. The Keio Organizing Committee will allow a small number (up to around five) of doctoral students enrolled at universities that are not members of APRU to present their papers at the DSC conference. In this case, the papers should have some connection to the Asian-Pacific region, and students must provide a letter of recommendation from a member of the faculty or department where they are enrolled.
  7. If the total number of submissions exceeds 100, the Keio Organizing Committee reserves the right to screen abstracts on the basis of the quality of the abstract (and, if submitted, any accompanying paper), taking into account the need for a balance in presentations across countries, universities, and disciplines. In the case of applications from students enrolled at universities that are not members of APRU, the Keio Organizing Committee will also take into account the relationship of the paper's content to the Asian-Pacific region, and whether there is any exchange agreement between Keio and the student's university.
  8. Abstracts that are accompanied by a full or partial paper will be given preference in the screening process.

Notes for Panel Proposals
  1. You may organize a panel for the DSC of about 3 or 4 papers, which will be independent from the sessions organized by the Keio Organizing Committee.
  2. Panel Proposals should be submitted using the On-Line Registration system.
  3. Each panel proposal should include a title for the panel title, the organizer's name, and the details of possible presenters.
  4. Panel members should contain presenters from at least three different universities or three disciplines.
  5. It is expected that panel organizers will chair the panels they organize, and be involved in the selection of papers for their panels.

  All correspondence should be directed to the International Center of Keio University at dsc07-info@adst.keio.ac.jp

Financial Support
  DSC participants will be provided with six nights of free accommodation for the nights of 29, 30, 31 July and 1, 2, 3 August at a hotel near the Mita campus of Keio University. No registration fees will be charged for the 8th Annual Association of Pacific Rim Universities Doctoral Student Conference.


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